Five Different Card Fold Card Designs complete with multiple pictures
Written instructions on how to complete your cards
Complete supply list and measurements list for each of the five projects

What's Included in the Class?

What is the Format of this Class?
Fundamental Folds is an Online Class.
You can use your own supplies to create the projects. I'll show you several examples so you can approximate what I'm doing. Alternatively, I'll also provide you with a supply list of products if you wanted to duplicate exactly what I'm doing.
When you purchase the class, you will get step-by-step by instructions in pre-recorded videos showing you each project. Also included will be instructions on how to cut and prepare your projects.
The video links and instructions will be sent to you via email. Please be sure that you sign into the class email after you purchase the class.
"My goal is always to create quality content! I will give you amazing projects, and deliver them in an easy to understand format. If you are not 100% satisfied with my class, I'll gladly refund you."
Jenn Tinline
Stamp with Jenn ~
3 Simple Steps to Attending this Class

Step 2
After you purchase the class you will be taken to a sign up for the class news.
Step 3
Watch for your email with how to access your class.
Fundamental Folds for Greeting Cards
Ever find yourself bored of the same card fold?
Want to learn some new card folds that are EASY to make but still have a WOW factor?
Learn how to make these fun, never-boring, cards with my new Fundamental Folds class.
In this class, you will learn five fundamental card folds that you will use over and over again.
Instructional videos and written instructions are included. Videos are pre-recorded so you can access anytime at at your own paced. See more details below.

Frequently Asked Questions

The class instructions and videos are ready for you now. Once you confirm your email, after your payment, you will automatically receive the class instructions.
When will the class instructions and videos be ready?

After you pay for the class, you will be taken to a sign up link to get the class emails. You will be emailed all the information for the class. If you don't see the class sig up link, please let me know at
How will I get the class videos and instructions?

Yes you sure can. That is why I'm selling this class as just the class. Swap in any supplies you have already in place of the supplies I'll be using. I will also provide a supply list with the class materials in case you want to purchase any of the items that I'm using.
Can I use my own supplies?

Yes you can. The transaction for the class will be in Canadian dollars. And you won't be able to purchase any materials from my Online Store, unless you are Canadian.
I don't live in Canada, can I still buy the class?

Demonstrators are welcome to purchase the class and use the projects in a class. However, the handouts are copyrighted. You will have to create your own version of the materials for any classes you make.
I'm a demonstrator, can I buy the class and then sell the handouts?

I prefer to leave that a surprise for you. But I promise that these five card folds are fundamental folds that you will return over and over to. They are easy to make, but still have a WOW factor to them.

Five alternate ideas for each Card Fold Designs
Video instructions on how to cut and prepare your materials

Video instructions on how to create the five Fundamental Card Folds

© 2023

Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about this class or the class materials. You can email me at or call/text to 905-802-9902. My contact information will be on all the class materials.
What are the different Card Folds included in the class?
What if I have questions?

"Everything is so well organized and the instructions and videos are great. I really enjoyed it! "
"The cards were SO cute!"
~ Carolyn C.
~ Tracey H.
What past Class Participants have said: